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dynaCERT erhält ersten Kaufauftrag über 100 HydraGEN™-Einheiten für Mexiko

Edited by Admin

2 July 2019 




d ynaCERT receives first purchase order for 100 HydraGEN - units for Mexico


TORONTO, ON, July 2, 2019 - dynaCERT Inc. (TSX VENTURE: DYA) (OTCQB: DYFSF) (FRA: DMJ) ("dynaCERT" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the company is co-owned by KarbonKleen LLC ("KarbonKleen"), a leading service provider Offices in Mexico, the United States and Canada, has received an order for 100 HydraGEN ™ HG145B units to be delivered to Mexico by truck.


In addition, KarbonKleen is pleased to announce its new partnership with the Alliance Holdings Group ("Alliance"), a visionary holding company in Mexico dedicated to improving the lives of people in Mexico through innovative and advanced technologies. Through this partnership between KarbonKleen and Alliance, dynaCERT is securing an exclusive agreement to distribute the patented HydraGEN ™ technology to all unions in Mexico.


KarbonKleen's purchase order is destined for its customer Alliance, which supplies trucking equipment to one of Mexico's largest trade union federations. The order of 100 units is considered a "precedent" for a possibly much larger Mexican market.


Alliance has expressed on behalf of its unions a formal MOU agreement with KarbonKleen ("MOU") that there is interest in co-branding the dynaCERT- developed HydraGEN ™ technology under an exclusive special agreement with dynaCERT . Thanks to its strategic partnerships in Mexico, Alliance has a market of more than 1,000,000 diesel vehicles in operation nationwide.


Mr. Alberto H. Valdespino, Alliance CEO and Director of International Business, is excited about the opportunity and declares: "The dynaCERTTechnology is of great importance to Alliance as it contributes to greater health and green technology for union members and the Mexican population as a whole. The use of HydraGEN ™ technology offers unions in Mexico the opportunity to benefit from lower fuel consumption and lower fuel costs while at the same time directly and drastically reducing the exhaust emissions of diesel vehicles for future generations. At the same time, the lower air pollution from diesel exhaust gases will result from dynaCERT's planned carbon credits program. "


This relationship marks a significant milestone for both dynaCERT's involvement in Mexico and for Carbonklekleen, Alliance and the Mexican unions.


dynaCERT will immediately send engineers and other employees to Mexico to train and guide Mexico's executives and professionals to properly install HydraGENä technology.


The timing is very good as air quality in Mexico is steadily worsening and more and more government initiatives to curb air pollution are on the scene. With these new partnerships, dynaCERT is well positioned to help Mexico solve this serious problem with its proprietary HydraGEN ™ technology.


Under the terms of the letter of intent, the first 10,000 units destined for Mexico are to be assembled by dynaCERT at the company's own facilities in Toronto. It aims to ensure timely delivery and meet the company's stringent quality requirements for delivering HydraGEN ™ technology to Mexican end users. Under the terms of the MOU, dynaCERT will immediately enter into negotiations with KarbonKleen, Alliance and its managers in Mexico to build a design facility in Mexico. This new facility will initially serve to meet the Mexican additional needs of up to 1 million HydraGEN ™ units and create more jobs in Mexico.


Christopher Grossman, KarbonKleen's Chief Operating Officer, explains: "This first purchase order is of enormous importance to both our Mexican partners and dynaCERT . The value of dynaCERT's HydraGEN ™ technology in fuel economy and green solutions is a win-win situation for trade unions, the Mexican people and Mexican businesses. A contribution to compliance with the emission limit values to which Mexico has committed itself in the Paris Agreement can be made here. At the same time, diesel costs are saved over decades. We are very happy that we have dynaCERT with its flexibility and willingness to cooperate to make this historic transaction come true. "


Jim Payne, President & CEO of dynaCERT, said: "With this initial order and the corresponding letter of intent, KarbonKleen, Alliance and their executives have demonstrated that they believe in the tremendous potential of dynaCERT and its HydraGENä technology. Thank you for your dedication and loyal support. I'd like to invite the Mexican unions to learn more about the benefits of our HydraGEN ™ technology and find it highly commendable how committed they are to the fight against diesel pollution. "


About dynaCERT Inc.

dynaCERT Inc. produces, distributes and installs a technology to reduce CO2 emissions used in internal combustion engines. As part of the increasingly important hydrogen industry, we use our patent-pending technology to generate hydrogen and oxygen as needed by electrolysis. These are intended to optimize combustion via the air supply and contribute to lower CO2 emissions and higher fuel efficiency. Our technology is compatible with all types and sizes of diesel engines used in cars, refrigerated trucks, off-road, power generation, mining and forestry machinery, ships and railroad locomotives. Website: www. dynaCERT .com


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Für das Board:

Murray James Payne, CEO


For more information, please contact:


Jim Payne, CEO & President

dynaCERT Inc.

# 101 - 501 Alliance Avenue

Toronto, Ontario M6N 2J1

(416) 766-9691 x 2

jpayne @ dynaCERT .com


Investor Relations

dynaCERT Inc.

Nancy Massicotte

(416) 766-9691 x 1

ir @ dynaCERT .com


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